(H=49.5 x W=72cm x D=76cm) Matériaux - verre, travertin (travertin jaune), bois (noyer), acier inoxydable, laiton D'autres types de pierre naturelle et bois sont également possibles ------------------------------------------------------- Materials - glass, travertine (yellow travertine), wood (walnut), stainless steel, brass Other types of natural stone and wood are also possible
The base of this charming coffee table is made of stainless steel covered with walnut wood. The central support is made of walnut wood and the four legs are made of brass.The walnut wood has a send blasted finish and the four brass legs have a rough grinding finish.The irresistible thin-walled rosette is made of one piece of natural stone above which is placed the extra clear tempered glass.Other wood species and types of natural stone, depending on the Clients preferences, are also possible.
Le processus de fabrication (brevet déposé) des éléments en pierre naturelle pourrait également être utilisé pour la production d'autres éléments de décoration en pierre. ------------------------------------------------------- The unique manufacturing process (patent pending) of the natural stone elements could be used for a production of other decoration elements made of stone.